Wow it's been a long time since I have posted!! Oops! I don't realize where the time goes! This is the first time I have done a post from my phone so if there is any problems or it looks weird that's why!!!!
So on June 15th Zach and I got 3-D shots of the little man! Holy cow was it amazing!!!!!! I still can't believe how theycan capture those kind of pictures inside of me! Kinda creepy!!! It was so great though! They call it 4-D when they get him in motion and we got a whole DVD of him in motion!! He is too big to be moving a lot but we got the most amazing video of little mr swapping, sucking his thumb, opening his eyes and craziest of all sucking on the umbilical cord!! Haha! He must be hungry! I swear he possibly can't be by the way I eat, but I got permission to eat more to satisfy the little chunky boy!!! And man is he a chunk!! He at 33 weeks already weighed 5.1 lbs!!! That's crazy big for that age haha he is predicted to be around 9 lbs or so at birth but we will see... I am betting more, although I am MORE than okay with less haha Zach always says he needs to weigh more, but he isn't the one pushing him out!!
Anyways that's all for now on the little guy! He is doing great and driving me crazy! I am 35 weeks along and ready for him to arrive anytime!!!!! We can't wait to have little Boston in our arms!!!